Saturday, October 6, 2018

We Need Your Help, Kids!

Dear Room 9 Community of Learners,

As you are aware, we love being in your classroom. You treat us both with the utmost respect, and care for us by making sure we have food, water, and a clean home. You also make sure we get plenty of exercise and have loads of social interaction. We do, however, have a special request.

Please, please, please bring in some cardboard (including paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, egg cartons, cereal and pasta boxes, etc.). We gnaw on cardboard to keep our teeth from growing too long, and we love playing with it. Have you ever seen us running through the paper towel and toilet paper rolls? It's a hoot!

Anyway, we're running low on cardboard. So please bring some to school whenever you can. That way, we'll be sure to have a great school year!

Caramel & Hershey

P.S. Please make sure any cardboard you bring to school is not wet or soiled with food. Cardboard like that could hurt us.

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