Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Writers Write

This year in Room 9, we have been using Write This Way from the Start - The First 15 Days of Writer's Workshop, by Kelly Boswell. Kids have been learning great writing strategies, from generating writing ideas, to identifying and using writing tools, to knowing if they're finished or not finished with a piece of writing, to spelling strategies, to conferencing with a teacher, to reflecting, to ......

This afternoon during our lesson on "Writers Live Differently," kids enjoyed their independent writing time. I so wanted to conduct writing conferences with some of my kids, but I refrained from doing so since every one of my students was diligently writing in his and her writing journals. (I didn't want to interfere with their putting pencil to paper.) Here they are, hard at work!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! I am in awe of your writers and the work you’ve done to make them feel safe and successful. It looks like those writer’s notebooks are being put to good use.
    I’m excited to come back and hear their stories.
    -Ms. Sacco
